Our Services

  • Finance

  • Accounting

  • Procurement

  • Tax

  • HR & Payroll

  • IT


Since our formation we have successfully implemented a new ERP system and brought a unified accounting procedure with higher level of efficiency and internal control to the group agencies. We have helped merge agency operations, consolidated the treasury function to improve Trade Working Capital and leveraged Groupe banking partners to maximize investment.


We provide professional accounting and reporting services based on IFRS and Publicis Groupe Corporate Policies and Procedures. We manage external audits and internal reporting for all Publicis Groupe Subsidiaries in Korea through a common platform.


Re:Sources are the operational relays of implementation of the Groupe's Purchasing policy. We allow agencies to focus on providing the best day-to-day service to clients rather than spending time on negotiating and overseeing contracts. For vendors, this system provides a single Groupe contact in each geographic zone and at a global level, improving information exchange and enhancing their knowledge of the Groupe and our needs, as well as simplifying the process to resolve any problems.


We take a professional and risk free approach in terms of tax in order to meet local tax compliance and manage our agencies’ tax fillings including VAT, corporate tax and all other local taxes.

HR & Payroll

We provide various workforce management services including payroll and social charge filing and payment. We implemented a global HR system which manages talent and staff compensation for all our agencies.


Resources IT provides services to our partnering agencies in accordance with the Publicis Group IT operational policies through an agreed SLA. We facilitate the annual IT budget for the market and ensure that state of the art equipment and service is provided throughout the year in order for our agencies to optimize efficiency and competitiveness and ultimately provide better service to clients.

Re:Sources are operational relays of the IT policy of the Groupe, which includes mainly:

  • High-quality unified infrastructure, a common messaging system with instant messaging capabilities, a long-term data storage system, and daily assistance
  • Consolidation and virtualization of application servers in 3 regional data centers
  • Rationalizing and standardizing of applications

All of these initiatives rely on the latest and most appropriate tools for agency activities. They allow them to generate substantial savings and minimize risks.